cutting business costsMost entrepreneurs are aware that for a business to prosper, one of the key factors to consider is reducing excessive overheads while overseeing all transactions from top to bottom to see where to cut down on expenses so business money is properly allocated. During financial reviews, some business owners mostly focuses on the bigger figures, that are indeed glaring, but more often than not, they miss on the smaller charges. These seemingly trivial costs can hurt the business as it accumulates over time. Have a comprehensive review of your business expenses from the previous year and zero in to these five areas that will help you budget efficiently and scratch the avoidable fees to save up for the upcoming year:

Dealer Examination:

Examine the pricing offered by vendors and have a research with their competitors if they have the lowest rate in the market. Is there a way you can get better deals without compromising the quality of the products or services? Has your dealership over the previous year made you earn some credits to be used against your monthly dues/expenses? Take advantage of some consumer points you might have earned during the length of service you have availed with your current vendors and use it for further savings.

Utility Review:

Audit your bills up to the last teeny weenie surcharge. Verify with the service providers the rate plans available, that way you can thoroughly choose the best subscriptions that are cost effective without paying extra features/bundles that are not of use to the business at all. Check if there are perks you might have earned being a loyal customer, or having a good payment history. Do not waver to question all charges that are posted on your bills just so you know how to get some waived or have them taken off your bill permanently if needed.


Reevaluate the tasks delegated to your current employees and check if their workload just balances out with their skills to so you don’t have to hire more people. Gauge all of their performance levels and do close monitoring to avoid inefficacies. Take the workload you think you can handle on your own in the business operation, that way being hands on, it gets you more acquainted with all aspects of the processes. Surely you are stepping up could cut the cost in your payroll.

Contracting out:

Do some research about outsourcing some tasks where it is cheaper. Check some online reviews or comments of other businesses contracting out to identify some popular virtual assistance where specialized chores like graphic design for marketing and advertisements, even accounting jobs can be assigned that does not cost as much. This remote assistance can significantly reduce the cost you currently shell out with the manpower in your office since most online virtual assistant will only charge up to 5-10 dollars a project.

Supply Analysis:

Shop around to check equipment that is cost efficient and way superior to own than to lease. Take benefit with the manuals that goes along with the equipment so you can do the installation, repair and maintenance on your own instead of paying technicians to come over or paying extra on top of the leasing contract just to get things fixed. A lot of shopping websites can also offer quality products/supplies where shipping fee are cheaper instead of spending gasoline money to drive around to pick them up from retailers.

Rationalize all aspects where expenditures can be cut down. Start the year with thorough planning on running the business to prosperity. Make sure even small expenses are to the business’ improvement. Smart spending is smart business.