smal businessIt is very important to nurture your customers if you own a business. Having a good relationship with your customers is one of the keys of a successful business. But the question is, how do you make your customers fall in love with your business?

When the customers are not happy, they can share their experiences to others which can ruin the reputation of your business. Most especially, these days, people have their internet connection and social media accounts, where they can express their negative feelings toward your products and services.

Happy customers will make positive word of mouth, and this is priceless. Most businesses often commit mistakes by not improving their customer experience. There are ways how to make your customers happy:

  • You must treat your customers correctly.

Most customers, who have issues that are resolved by the company, have spread their experience to other people. This is an effective word of mouth strategy. You should talk to your customers properly. You should call the customers by name, and introduce yourself before talking to them. Just apply the principle, “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.” Like for example, you can use your social media account in giving the right customer service. When a customer sends you a private message, you must reply as soon as you can. You need to ensure that all concerns are answered.

  • Be calm and respect your customers.

There are times when your customers are angry at certain reasons. No matter how strong your customers are, you should not fight back. Instead, be calm and respect their feelings. When you response to rude customers in a polite and calm way, they may have the chance to tell their experience to others regarding how great your services are. Again, this is a great word of mouth strategy. Do not forget that it is the easiest, most effective, and cheapest way of promoting your business. Besides, any issues may not be resolved properly when both parties are emotionally angry.

  • Learn to listen.

It is important to promote your business and talk to your customers. But it is more important to listen what your customers are telling you. Their suggestions and opinions are useful. These will help improve your business. If they have concerns, try to reflect and check if they are right. From there, you can make important changes to make your business more successful. There are many ways how to do this like surveys, observations, social media, email and web forums, and many more.

  • Provide quality services and products.

No matter how expensive your products are, people will still love it and buy it if it has high quality, and it meets their needs. This will make your customers satisfied. What you have claimed in your advertisements, make sure that it is true. Like for example, if you claim “money back guarantee” to your products, make sure you implement it.